Terms & Conditions - InvoicePages.com

This policy ("Policy") describes how InvoicePages.com ("InvoicePages", "we", "us" or "our") collects, protects and uses the personally identifiable information ("Personal Information") you ("User", "you" or "your") may provide through the InvoicePages.com website or in the course of purchasing any InvoicePages.com products (collectively, "Website"). The Policy also describes the choices available to you regarding our use of your Personal Information.

Terms & Conditions

By creating an account on InvoicePages.com, you agree to provide a valid email address for account login purposes. This email will be used as your primary form of identification within our system and will be necessary for account recovery.

Privacy Policy

At InvoicePages.com, we collect your email for account login purposes. We use Paddle for payment services, which may require you to provide credit card information. Please refer to Paddle's own Privacy Policy for more information on how they handle your data.

Refund Policy

InvoicePages.com does not provide refunds for any services or products purchased through our platform. Please ensure you have read and understood all terms and conditions before making a purchase.